As a theatre  director  I brought over 30 years my actors to a role that is structured in such a way that they felt safe, reassured and happy in that role.


That’s exactly how I act as a coach. Leading people to a point where they recognize and (re) appreciate the contact between the Actor and the Director.


Where they also learn to take on their role not only as an actor, but at the same time as a director to be able to be in control of their own well-being at any time.


So that they can quickly take on the role they really want to play:  with renewed energy and happiness.

In my work I have extensive experience in individual coaching and team coaching within various fields. I reveal the subtle balance between being an individual and fulfilling a role.


My focus is mainly on exploring and developing individual skills. With a touch of humor and lightness I expose the connection between emotion and reason.


Awareness of this relationship, which affects both private life and work, helps to get a grip on life and thus increases everyone’s resilience and flexibility.

As a Finnish sales and marketing professional, I use my years of international experience as a liaison for our German clients. I am also active as a coach, specialized in ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).


My vision is to guide and support people on their way to a happy and self-confident life.
In a survey, we Finns were voted the happiest country in the world for the seventh time. This attitude to life is embodied in the Finnish term ‘Sisu’,  describing a combination of endurance, determination, courage and inner strength.


Everything we wholeheartedly give to our clients!

Ankie and Sjeng have known each other since 2009 and have been working together since 2016. As coaches and therapists in Germany, they developed a joint program with the abbreviation “VADIS”, which stands for “Voll Auf Die Schnautze” (“Right in your Face”).


This program proved to be so successful and effective that they decided to convert this philosophy into a working method, entitled “Actor, Director and Script”.


Since then, they have been working in Dutch and German companies, organizations and institutions, where they coach teams and individuals with their unique chemistry of sharp analyses, exuberant humor and a combined experience of more than 30 years.